After the alligator farm we come home and had a little party for Adeleah. A few of our friends and their kids come over. We played with the wii and the kids played with toys and just had fun for a little bit. Then Adeleah opened her gifts. After that we got her ready for cake, sing Happy Birthday to her, and gave her a big piece of cake. Well, Adeleah did fine with the song but the cake that is a different story. She didn't want anything to do with it, she cried until we got her out of her chair and away from the cake and ice cream. She was happy again in just her diaper running around the house. I tried to give her some of the cake after everyone was gone and she had three bites and has not had anymore since. But besides the fact that she hated her cake it was a good 1st birthday. We just can't believe our baby is one.
Oh and the next day she had her check up, she is doing great and hated the whole appointment. She is 28.7in and 18.52lbs, 50%.