Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Talking on the phone.

Like all little kids Adeleah "talks" on the phone all the time. She has one of our old cell phones. Gabe can not just sit and talk on the phone he is always walking around when he is on the phone, it drives me crazy sometimes. Well the other day Gabe was talking to one of his sisters and Adeleah went and got on her phone and was walking around like dad talking on the phone. I was so funny I had to take a picture.


BriANDaleen said...

That is so cute, and I can't believe how much curly hair she has! I loved catching up on all your posts!!

Kassi said...

Tim does the same thing - he walks the whole time and not a slow leisurely walk, but like he is in a walking race all over the house and it drives me crazy too! I'm glad to know he isn't the only one (I was getting worried:)Well, at least Gabe has a little partner now in his walking and talking!