Saturday, October 10, 2009

Big Change of Plans

So we are no longer moving to Japan. To my understanding they no longer need to fill the orders we had. Thursday Gabe had to go in and get us new orders, we are now going to Hawaii. As of right now that is, anything could happen, but we will move in June of 2010. This makes me happy and it is a lot better in a lot of ways. One thing that really makes me is that the housing will be much better then in Japan and I guess two things, the temple will be like 30 mins away. In Japan we were going to have to make a trip to be able to get to a temple. So I am happy about this change in the plans:)


Tiffany said...

Aaahhh, Japan is so much fun though.

Alyssa said...

Hawaii would be awesome! I'm glad things are working out a little easier for you.